VITESS Module Source

The module source initialises neutrons originated at a short pulsed (SPSS), long pulsed (LPSS), or a continuous source (CWS). Their starting positions are randomly distributed over a rectangular moderator surface. Further parameters like wavelength, divergence and time at the moderator are determined at random, too.

This module simulates also subsequent free propagation which can be limited in such a way, that only neutrons reaching a certain region of space are considered further on. The coordinate system is oriented as illustrated in the figure, it is centered in the middle of the moderator surface and shifted parallel to the x-axis to the position of the propagation window (i.e.  the  x-coordinate of each neutron which hit the propagation window is zero).


Simulation parameters

The effect of gravity is considered in this module, if this option is chosen. The parameter 'minimal weight' is not considered.

Every trajectory represents a package of a certain number of neutrons passing per time, i.e. a certain neutron current. The sum over all trajectories gives the total neutron count rate. From one module to the following, the 'number of trajectories' decreases, e.g. if a window or the sample is not hit. The intensity further decreases by reflections or absorption inside a material. In these cases the number of trajectories is unchanged, but the count rate per trajectory is decreased. So absolute values of the count rate are given at any point of the instrument, if the moderator count rate can be determined.
As a consequence, the number of neutrons leaving one module (or arriving on the detector) will be calculated, if the 'time of measurement' is given. If the 'desired wavelength' is given, the optimal phases of the disc choppers are calculated and written to the file 'instrument.inf'.

To enable ray-tracing, the 'ray-tracing file' has to be given here and the 'kind of ray-tracing' has to be chosen. The ray-tracing file contains the IDs of the trajectories to be traced. The 2 different modes of ray-tracing are explained in a special help file called 'Ray-tracing'.

Source and moderator parameters

Source parameters are given on the main window:

Source parameters:

Description Range or values
pulse repetition rate
repetition rate of pulsed sources  > 0.0
proton pulse length
proton pulse length of long pulse source  > 0.0
special source

Name of a neutron source, for which analytical functions are implemented to describe the moderator characteristics  "ESS",  "SNS"

Moderator parameters

Moderator parameters are taken from a file that contains information about the moderator system, consisting of up to 3 moderators. Data of 2 moderators can be given on the moderator window. So each source can be described by a file. The existing files are collected in <VITESS install. directory>/FILES/moderators. (Additional files describing beamlines of the ISIS target stations can be downloaded from the internet site Please send us your files that we can distribute them, if possible.
The moderator characteristics can either be given by distribution files - intensity as a function of wavelength, of time, or of time and wavelength - or analytical functions are used. Analytical functions are only used in the simulation, if the corresponing distribution file is not given, i.e. the Maxwellian distribution is calculated  from the given temperature, if no 'wavelength distribution file' is given, and the pulse shape is calculated from the given time constants, if no 'time distribution file' is given. Table 1 gives a survey.

temperature distr. files
tau1, tau2
width, height total flux pulse rep. rate pulse length
flux distribution
ESS ESS from input
50 or 325 K
from input 
calculated from input 
(50 Hz)
from input 
(2 ms)
analytical funct.
SNS SNS from input
50 or 325 K
from input 
calculated from input 
(50 Hz)
--- analytical funct.
continuous src. -
from input -
from input 
from input --- --- Maxwell. distr.
continuous src. -
- wavelength
from input 
calculated --- --- wavelength distr. file
pulsed src -
from input -
from input
(12 us; 60 us)
from input 
from input
from input 
(50 Hz)
from input 
(2 ms)
Maxwell. distr. function
time distr. function
pulsed src
from input
(12 us; 60 us)
from input 
from input 
(50 Hz)
from input 
(2 ms)
wavelength distr. file
time distr. function
pulsed src
from input
from input 
from input
from input 
(50 Hz)
from input 
(2 ms)
Maxwell. distr. function
time distr. file
pulsed src -
- wavelength
from input 
calculated from input 
(50 Hz)
from input 
(2 ms)
wavelength distr. file
time distr. file
pulsed src
from input 
from input 
(50 Hz)
from input 
(2 ms)
wavelength-time distr. fct.
---: not existing
 -  : not used
( ) : numbers in brackets give the default values

1. Moderator Characteristics by Analytical Functions

For a reactor source, the Maxwellian distribution function can be used to describe the wavelength dependence of the neutron flux:

Therefore, the temperature has to be given. It is only used, if no 'wavelength distribution file' is given.

For a pulsed source, this wavelength dependence (or the 'wavelength distribution function' read from file) can be multiplied by a time dependent function F(t). For SPSS and LPSS we use:

The parameters determining the pulse shapes must be given as an input. The second time constant describes the decay of the pulse, whereas both describe the shape in the beginning of the pulse. The length of the long pulse is determined by the proton pulse length. The decay is comparable to that of the short pulse.  These functions are only used, if no 'time distribution file' is given.


If ESS or SNS are given as source names, the following data are ignored: total flux,  relaxation times, and all user distribution functions. Moderator type, shape and size , repetition rate, (as well as pulse length in case of the ESS long pulse source) must still be given. The temperature is also taken from the input, it must be 50 K or 325 K. The flux as a function of wavelength and time is calculated according to the functions published by F. Mezei in Dec. 2000 as an email to the members of the ESS Instrumentation Task Group ('picture gallery' and preceding paper). The analytical functions used are similar to those shown before, but the time constants as well as the amplitudes are set in the program. These amplitudes are scaled to be used for SNS. 

2. Moderator Characteristics from Files

Alternatively the moderator characteristics can be given in files. Instead of giving the temperature, a 'wavelength distribution function' can be read. Instead of giving the time constants, a  'time distribution function' can be read. Both can be substituted at the same time by a 'wavelength-time distribution function'.

For reactor sources, the so-called 'wavelength distribution function' is needed. This file must contain a table of 2 columns. In the first column the wavelength in Angstroem is expected, in the second the flux in flux units (FU), i.e. n/(cm² s Ang str). The first column must have increasing values. The wavelength range that can be used must be covered by the range in this file.
From these data the 'total flux at the moderator' and the current into a solid angle W are calculated:

If the 'total flux at moderator' Ftotal is given, it is assumed that this is the real value and thus the data of the file are normalised to that value. If the 'neutron current' Imod is given, the flux is normalized to that value. This is only sensible, if the calculated current is zero, i.e. if area Amod, solid angle or wavelength range are zero.

For a pulsed source, the wavelength dependence of the intensity can be determined  by a given 'wavelength distribution function' as in the CW case. Additionally, the time dependence of the flux can be determined by a 'time distribution function'. It describes the time dependence of the pulse. In the first column the time [ms] has to be given, in the second the amplitude of the flux. The product of the amplitude given in the wavelength distribution and that given in the time distribution must have the unit n/(cm² s Ang str).
It is also possible to read a 2-dimensional file containing F(l,t). In the first row the wavelength values (in Angstroem) are expected. All following have the time (in ms) in the first column followed by flux values (in FU) for all wavelengths - see examples 'FluxLmbdTime.dat' or files in 'IsisModData'. (Comment lines starting with '#' are allowed.)
In this approach of F(l,t) being the product of the wavelength and the time distribution function, one gets the following equations to determine the time averaged total flux and the time averaged current into a solid angle W is:

A simple rectangular or even instantaneous pulse can be generated by using the CWS module and restricting the time window (see neutron parameters) to the according range or to 0, respectively.

 Parameters for each moderator:

Description Range or values
moderator type

type of moderator, important for 'special sources'  
(0: unknown or not important, 1: decoupled poisoned, 2: decoupled unpoisoned
3: coupled, 4: multi-spectral)
Multi-spectral moderators consist of 2 or more parts, e.g. a cold and a thermal moderator, giving an effective flux distribution from the whole moderator, which is achieved by a special beam extraction system that is able to add the short wavelength distribution of the thermal moderator and the long wavelength distribution of the cold moderator (see F. Mezei: "Instrumentation Concepts" in "The ESS project Volume II", ed. D. Richter, 2002). The effective flux distribution was published by F. Mezei in Feb. 2002 as an email to the members of the ESS Instrumentation Task Group. This moderator can be used for simulations of instruments at ESS and SNS. 
 0  -  4
moderator shape

shape of the moderator: 0: rectangular, 1: circular
0, 1
wavelength distr. file

file describing the wavelength dependence of the intensity (see also text)
If the 'wavelength distribution file' is given, the temperature is not used. .

time distribution file

file describing the time dependence of the intensity (see also text)
If the 'time distribution file' is given, the relaxation times and the pulse length are not used

wavelength-time distr. file
file describing the wavelength and time dependence of the intensity (see also text above)
If the 'wavelength-time distribution file' is given, the relaxation times, the pulse length, and the temperature are not used

moder. temperature
moderator temperature
only used, if neither 'wavelength-time distribution file' nor 'wavelength distribution file' are given.
> 0.0
moder. width or diameter
rectangular moderator: bordered by center_y ± mod.width/2 in y-direction (see also last row)
circular moderator     : diameter of the moderator
> 0.0
moderator height
rectangular moderator: bordered by center_z ± mod.height/2  in z-direction (see also last row)
circular moderator     : not used
> 0.0
spatial order

see following picture

total flux at moderat.
Flux on moderator surface into solid angle 2*pi integrated over the whole wavelength range ([0, infinity] for analytical functions or total range given in distributions file) assuming an isotropic flux distribution over 2*pi.
It is sensible to give this value, if a Maxwellian distribution determined by the temperature is used, because this distribution is normalized to given an integral of 1.
If a 'wavelength distribution file' or a 'wavelength-time distribution file' is used, it is straightforward to use a file with realistic flux values and to omit this value. But if it is given, it is assumed to be the correct value and thus the data of the file are normalised to give this total flux value.
> 0.0
neutron current
Count rate leaving the moderator into the chosen solid angle, integrated over moderator area and chosen wavelength range.
If the 'neutron current' is given, the flux is normalized to that value. This is only sensible, if the calculated current is zero, i.e. if moderator area, solid angle or wavelength range are zero.
> 0.0
time constant of the pulse shape (of pulsed sources):
tau_2 describes the decay of the pulse, whereas both describe the shape in the beginning of the pulse (see equations for pulsed sources above).
> 0.0
> 0.0

see following picture
0 - 32767
center of moderator
[cm], [cm], [cm]
position of the moderator center - default: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
necessary to describe the arrangement of two (or three) moderators
no restriction


moderator window

Neutron parameters

Trajectories are distributed randomly on the moderator surface, lying within a time, wavelength and divergence range.

Range or Values
Command Option
min. wavelength,  max. wavelength
minimal and maximal wavelength used in the simulation
>= 0
-m, -M
min. time,  
max. time
pulsed sources: time range of the pulse (as considered in the simulations)
continuous source: usually min. time = max. time = 0.0, i.e. all neutrons starting at the same time. Otherwise a rectangular pulse is generated, which is e.g. necessary for time-of-flight instruments at continuous sources
no restriction
max. diverg.  x <-> y max. diverg   x <-> z
The horizontal divergence phi (see figure below) is chosen  in the interval [-max.div x - y , +max.div x - y]
The vertical divergence theta (see figure below) is chosen  in the interval [-max.div x - z , +max.div x -z]
0 ... 90
0 ... 90
direction defined
The direction is usually determined by a Monte Carlo choice of phi and theta between the maximal values as given by the user. Alternatively,  the direction can be determined by the starting point on the moderator surface, which is determined by other MC choices, and a point on the propagation window (see below).
by divergence
by window

The direction is defined by the angles phi and theta, which define the angular deviation range with respect to the straight flight direction (parallel to the x-axis) as illustrated for special cases below:
first sketch     : div-range illustrated for neutrons having no z-divergence;
second sketch: div-range for neutrons having no y-divergence

For both ways to restrict the divergence (by window and by max. angles), the solid angle corresponding to the divergence window is calculated, in order to determine absolute flux values. For every trajectory, the count rate that it represents has to be calculated. If we have chosen an analytic function to describe the moderator (e.g. the Maxwellian distribution), we just use that value of M(l), T(t) or F(l,t) in the equation.

If the distribution files are used, M(l) or T(t) are interpolated in logarithmic scale, e.g.

The polarization of the neutron beam is needed in some test computations. Therefore an "internal" polarizer is defined in the source module. Initial values of  the percentage and the direction of polarization have to be given. The spin vector belonging to each trajectory is represented in cartesian coordinates. The output represents an ansamble of "Up" and "Down" neutrons relative to the given direction of polarization. The average polarization will be that given by the input parameter "degree of polarization". For non-polarized beam (0%) the numbers of "Up" and "Down" trajectories are the same.


Apart from the source itself, there is a aperture included in the source module (to restrict the amount of data that is transfered to the following module). Height and width of the aperture as well as its distance to the source must be given. Additionally an angle can be given that describes the declination of the aperture center (= beam direction) to the normal of the moderator surface (in the horizontal plane). The default value is 0° meaning beam direction vertical to moderator surface. For angles not equal zero, the moderator surface is rotated around the (positive) z-axis (relative to the beam direction).
To omit this propagation, a zero distance and a aperture size exceeding the moderator size can be given.

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Last modified: Tuesday, 03-Jul-2007 16:14:09 CEST